Request an Audit of your School District

The events taking place at within Utah Schools are only escalating.  As part of an ongoing commitment to addressing these concerns and ensuring there is truly a thorough and transparent investigation we are asking for each and every individual affected by this to help.   ************ Unfortunately, it is no surprise that schools are not […]

Support the Audit of Nebo Schools District

The events taking place at Nebo School District — specifically Mount Nebo Middle school — are only escalating.  As part of an ongoing commitment to addressing these concerns and ensuring there is truly a thorough and transparent investigation we are asking for each and every individual affected by this to help.   ************ Unfortunately, it […]

Support the Repeal of R277-328 – on February 1, 2024

The USBE met on January 11, 2024 to debate and possibly repeal R277-328,  the vote failed by one.  This rule “installed, codified and further entrenched the Praxis of CRT into Utah’s Schools” — that was always  its intention.   More info on the rule’s origins here:  https://utahed.info/328-2/ The repeal would resolve the massive conflicts with the […]

Support the Repeal of R277-328

The USBE meets on January 11, 2024 to debate and possibly repeal R277-328, the rule that “further  installed, codified and further entrenched the Praxis of CRT into Utah’s Schools.”   More info here:  https://utahed.info/328-2/ After spending years allowing self-contemptuous ideologies to be taught within the Utah public education system, it is boldly refreshing to see the […]

Comment at the USBE on January 11, 2024

The USBE meets on January 12, 2023 to debate and repeal R277-328, the rule that “further  installed, codified and further entrenched the Praxis of CRT into Utah’s Schools.”     Please sign-up for public comment below.  You may participate in person or online.  Sign-up for public comment

It is time to address the porn, already!

The USBE meets this week and there are MANY issues on the agenda; however one is eerily absent.  There is nothing on the agenda to address the continued presence of porn in our schools.   Board Member Boggess always clarifies:  “it is important to understand that we are discussing the depiction of graphic and hostile sex acts as […]

Oppose Data-Mining and Data Sharing Agreements at the USBE

The USBE meets this week and there are MANY data sharing agreements on the agenda! SEPTEMBER 7, 2023, 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM USBE Building, 250 East 500 South, Salt Lake City. The meeting will be streamed to the public at https://www.youtube.com/c/USBEMedia. Link to Agenda: https://USBE.v8.civicclerk.com/Meetings/Agenda?id=257 SEPTEMBER 8, 2023, Standing Committees and Study Session, starts […]

Support Principles of Freedom in Education

Thank you for your support. This bill has already passed the House (53-18-4) and the Senate (18-6-5) and is now awaiting the governor’s signature to become law. Please express your support by telling Gov Cox to sign HB427! Details below! Email the Governor’s Office Principles of Freedom in Education have never been more important. Our Utah education […]

Support Principles of Freedom in Education — Support HB 427

On Thursday, March 9, 2023 — the USBE may entertain a motion regarding HB427.  It is important that they hear from you.   Write members of the USBE and assert your support of HB 427 and the governor’s signature. Principles of Freedom in Education have never been more important. Our Utah education system should reflect […]

Oppose Changes to the Legislative Direction to Public Education

 Write the legislature and assert your position that they VOTE NO on HB 442 (this made it out of committee and headed to the House Floor). Utah State Law already provides public education’s mission and vision.  The current code can be viewed below. Reasons to oppose this bill are listed, but not limited to the following.  This bill will […]

Support HB 464 – School Materials Amendments

 Write the legislature and assert your position that they VOTE YES on HB 464. Parents have challenged hundreds of books that violate the original HB374 law and they are STILL IN OUR SCHOOLS! This bill will help save time and money by further streamlining the process to remove pornographic material. Reasons to support this bill […]

Oppose HB 0270

 Write the legislature and assert your position that they VOTE NO on HB 0270 as it is not the proper role of government.  HB 270, sponsored by Rep. Trevor Lee, attempts to regulate the use of cellular phones in schools, circumventing parents, teachers, institutions, LEAs and the Utah State Board of Education.     Reasons to oppose […]

Formal Petition to Follow the Utah Constitution’s One Subject Requirement with HB215

 Write the legislature and assert your position that they separate HB 215 into two separate bills and honor the constitution’s single-subject requirement.   (Names/Single emails will be forwarded to the legislature as you sign). The list of names will be compiled and delivered to the Speaker of the House, the President of the Senate, and the […]

Save Utah’s Flag

 Write the legislature and assert your position that they VOTE NO on changes to Utah’s flag.  It is fiscally irresponsible and doesn’t align with the will of the people. By majority polls, people do not want the flag changed. This must be respected. Utah doesn’t need a new flag.  It is that simple.   Fiscally irresponsibility.  It’s […]

The Utah FITS Bill, it’s NOT for everyone!

This year, through a “multi-pronged approach,” we now have an OMNIBUS bill — HB215 (in the way of the “swamp,”) and multiple auxiliary bills to execute the problematic “UtahFits” agenda.  True to form, it is not good policy or legislative effort. There are multiple reasons to oppose the bill, including but not limited to the following: It is […]


This year, though a “multi-pronged approach,” we now have an OMNIBUS bill — HB215 (in the way of the “swamp,”) and multiple auxiliary bills to execute the problematic “UtahFits” agenda.  True to form, it is not good policy or legislative effort. There are multiple reasons to oppose the bill, including but not limited to the following: This is […]

SAY NO to Wealth Redistribution

Another wealth redistribution scheme in the name of good intentions will be debated in the _____ today.  Email members of the Legislature